1 month in
I have been is my site for about a month now and have been busy doing very little. I am trying to get to know the community, figure out where I am going to live and also figure out what I am going to do work wise.
Last week my boss, Don Pedro, and his assistant came to present me officially to the community and explain what I can do for them. It went really well. A lot of people showed up to the meeting and I think they are all willing to work with me. I already have had many people ask me about making soap which is one of our side projects but I think it will be a good way to get started. The only problem is I don't really know how to make soap. We did it one time in training and it didn't come out well. I guess I will have to learn the hard way now.
After going back and forth a bit on whether or not I was going to build a house I have finally decided not to. After talking to the community about it no one seemed to want me to do it. It is fine with me because I am ready to have my own space after four months of living in other peoples houses. Not to mention I will save a good bit of money as well. There is a house available for me in the corner of someone's property. It is one room that is 4m by 4m and a shack next to it that I am hoping I can use as well. It needs some work which I am going to do in exchange for letting me stay their rent free. I still have to live with a family for another month which will give me time to get everything done.
Other than that it has been drinking Terere and trying to learn guarani. Sorry no pictures yet. I didn't want to whip out my shiny camera right away but I will take some soon.